Welcome to Dorfball
Quick Start

Well, you've waited long enough, so we'll keep this quick and to the point. In order to play Dorfball, you will need to place the Dorfball_Tagset_v1 plugin in your plugins folder, as well as any other arena plugins you want to use. Two are included with this set, Dorfball_AvonsGrove_v1 and Dorfball_NowhereLeague_v1. Place both of these in your plugins folder as well.

Once you have done that, you will be able to select two Dorfball maps in your Game Options window. They're clearly marked, and green to boot... you should have no troubles there. However, before you start the game, be sure to enable the Dorfball Tagset! You do this by clicking on the "Plugins" button above your game type list, and loading the "Dorfball_Tagset_v1" plugin. If you do not do this, no Dorfball map will load. Only the host will need to do this.

For more information on Dorfball, take a look at the other two documents in this package:

And, of course, you can stop by our website for a bit more information and new releases. Enjoy!