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Whatever happened to Monstertool?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:57 pm
by Monstertool
just thought i'd drop in and make a post to all my mything friends who are wondering where i have dissapeared to, yes i am still alive. i got sucked into the vortex of no return known as world of warcraft. lol been playing it like crazy now for over a year now, still haven't gotten tired of it because of its huge amount of content. i think its loads of fun. Even created a guild with a few of my friends on there that has become fairly successful in terms of number of people in it. Deathfetus is the name of the guild, and i actually wasn't the one that named it. if anyone is bored or thinking about trying it out one of these days, i play on the Zangarmarsh server on the horde side. i go by monstertool of course. sorry i haven't been on to play myth 2 in a while, some time back my computer had gotten some nasty viruses to where i could not even get the thing to boot up, so i took drastic measures and cleared the whole thing out and never quite got around to putting myth 2 back on there. when i get an external hard drive and clear up some space, hopefully i'll get it installed back on there since i'm not too busy on sundays i might try to get some myth 2 going again.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:30 pm
by Baak
Hey MT! Great to hear from you! :D

Yeah, had a feeling you were either sucked into WoW or even worse -- RealLife(tm).

Sounds like you're having a lot of fun with it.

Wonder if Frumius has been caught in the same web? :-k

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:56 pm
by Spoon
FRUMHUNT update: He was tracked to the desolate wastes of Mexico. A small family was being terrorized by what can only be called a chupacabra when a man in a Clinton mask arrived in a truck and put 6 slugs in the monster. He was held in high esteem by the local village for a week before jumping on a small plane and eating the pilot. His current whereabouts are still unknown. If you spot him, he is considered armed and extremely far-out.
News at 11.

Re: Whatever happened to Monstertool?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:45 am
by vinylrake
Who is this "Monster Tool" you speak of? I don't remember any "MonsterTool" ever playing myth. I vaguely recall that on myth game nights a long time we used to be plagued by bloodied and yellow body parts strewn all over the maps like leaves on the ground after a fall rainstorm, but I thought that was one of Baak's plugins, I don't remember any "MonsterTool"...