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OoH Downloads Working Again!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:54 pm
by Baak
After discovering a subtle and particularly nasty problem with our current host that broke the OoH Downloads scripting, all appears well again.

So let the downloads begin! :D

Do let me know if you are having problems with them. You can send me a PM anytime. Let me know: (a) The file you had a problem with; (b) Your O/S and version #; (c) Your browser and version #. Also let me know if you got the zip file ok but it appeared corrupted - if this is the case also let me know the precise size of the zip you got (e.g. 8234007 bytes).

Also look for additional downloads between now and the Winter Holidays. I've got a couple maps/plugins that use (and actually added) new features in Magma's Patch 1.6.0, which means I need to wait until it goes "public" to be sure all is well. :)