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Postby LegacyTyphoon » Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:44 pm

Thanks for the quick reply! :p
I was going to comment about it in my last post but I forgot about it. The Berserks get changed into F'lickta...which aren't "bad" per say, but they don't seem to fit well (although they do get decent once you vet them a bit and their melee attack special is pretty good). For one, they're normally (in Marathon at least) "neutral" units or aggressive ambient life. So in many solo levels (without water you can hide them in) you end up using them as cannon fodder (or maybe its just me). They go down quickly to most units, it just seems to be a strange match. I'm trying to figure out how to describe the F'lickta unit...I guess, glass cannon?
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Postby Baak » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:42 pm

Glass cannon! lol! That's perfect!

Yeah, there are a couple of things in the MarathonAW units I've wanted to update. I don't really like the Hunter units and the BoB/VacBoB's might be overused.

The F'lickta kind of acted like bre'Unor, but I'm definitely open to suggestions for substitutions and/or other unit balance issues. :)
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Postby LegacyTyphoon » Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:36 pm

I had a post half finished but I accidentally closed the window. :?

Haha, F'lickta as Bre'unor would be great.
For the Berserk/F'lickta I would suggest making the F'lickta swing faster during melee, or have a less of a chance of flinching when hit by an attack. If you pit a F'lickta vs. a Thrall one-on-one, the Thrall has a high chance of flinching the F'lickta to death during a melee battle. I'd use a vs. MaraMyth unit comparison, but most things tear apart F'lickta or aren't even close (F'lickta vs. Devlins :p).
Warriors as Elite Pfhor are great, but once again they're glass cannons but I've found that even on Legendary (I mean Total Carnage) the Elite Phor can tear apart small groups of Devlins as long as they have a superiority of numbers (or the Devlin's have been weakened first by ranged units). I suppose a simple solution would be switching the Elite Pfhor/Warriors with the F'lickta/Berserks. Although really, another "Light" or "Dark" Marathon unit might be a better Phor Trooper or something. I'd say a Cyborg, but I remember the Cyborgs from the original SiTH would end up killing each other when they died because they'd explode and cause this large chain explosion.
...I was trying to figure out how to work the BoB pistol units in there but I can't think of anything....maybe Warriors instead?
EDIT: Oh...Warriors as Pistol BoBs and Berserks as Elite Phor?

Hunters are decent in bunches, but as you said the Hunters need some work. IMO, the delay between their shots is too long, perhaps making them fire faster or in short two or three round bursts?

As for Soulless perhaps instead of VacBoBs use Pfhor Troopers or Blue Phor (major projectile phor)? Although Pfhor Troopers fire grenades at long range and use a machinegun at short range they might be a bit over-powered, the Blue Pfhor fire energy shots at long range as their primary attack and have a melee at close range.

The only other suggestion I'd make is making the hero units Marines. Eg: the Warlock Hero a TOTZ Marine, the Archer Hero a SMG Marine, and so on and so forth.

Sorry for the long post, figured I'd get all the ideas I had out at one time.
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Postby Baak » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:02 pm

It's great stuff. Great feedback is always welcome. :)

I'll put all of this on "the list".
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Postby LegacyTyphoon » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:28 am

I keep bugging you, but I found another "bug" (bugging you...bug...buggin--er...anyway). :p
Devlins have a ranged attack, they're scary enough as it is, they don't need to be able to tear into you from a spitting distance at the same time :D. I didn't really notice it at first, until I played Gate of Storms (which strangely enough, is where you first see Devlins/Mykridia). The Devlins can get up onto "Soulless" only hills (which is normal) and then they were able to rain death down on poor Alric's head as he tried to shamble by. I thought it was taunting at first, then I noticed Alric's health dropping like a rock.
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Postby Baak » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:55 pm

Heh - you're definitely not bugging me -- the more feedback the better! :D

Agreed on the Devlins -- see... I've never had time to play all the combinations of Anywhere plugins (like Marathon), especially on the solos, so I'm basically relying on people to give their feedback to then be incorporated into the next version.

In fact, this is why I left the versioning on the multiplayer at 1.15 (instead of 2.0) and the solo at 0.2 -- since I was assuming there would be changes and then a follow-up release.

So it's all good - and keep it comin'! :D
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Postby LegacyTyphoon » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:39 pm

Haha...I'm trying to compile a bigger list, but I keep losing the list in the piles of crap on my desk.
Few things:
Fallen Levels with MarathonAW is a good way nuts.

The Pfhor Trooper that you get as a Dwarven Pathfinder replacement in The Sons of Mygard and Long Await Party is underpowered. His grenade special has no blast radius (or its so small its negligible), has a short range (or he gets a bit confused and runs around a bit), and has a long delay after firing so it can't attack at all for at least two seconds after using his special. I suppose he makes it up with speed. The trooper you get can't give it but he can run from it...

The dwarves on these two levels get replaced by Marine's with SPNKR launchers. This works but on Long Awaited Party, instead of firing rockets they throw dwarven bottles as their primary (their special attack is the missile). I suppose this is so that they can blow up the satchel charges (which I don't think they can pick up in the first place), but from what I've seem their normal missile attack can blow up satchels just as well.

Relating to the SPNKR marines, they can't pick up the head on the last fact, no units that you get, can pick up the head (I may need to retest this, it was late when I was playing). Enabling the "dwarf" units to pick up items (specifically the head and satchel charges) would fix this.

Something not really major, but I noticed it when messing around with mixed plugins: MarathonAW isn't entirely compatible with Five Legends Myth II - SB (seems to work fine with The Fallen Levels 5 Legends part of the plugin set). The Hero Archer doesn't change into a Marathon unit, this could be because its using its own special tags, but I thought there was a hero archer unit in Myth II (been a while I could be wrong). The Dwarven Mortar Hero doesn't either, but I know that's because there weren't any mortar heroes in the original level sets.

I've been asking the people I'm playing with to speak up if they find anything they see that seems out of place or missing as well.

Legs (Grayswandir p¡ss)
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