Hot Pictures of Myth Models!!!!

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Hot Pictures of Myth Models!!!!

Postby vinylrake » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:46 am

I am suprised at how many people have viewed the previous post about updates (77) without a single comment being left - so I am not sure if anyone is really paying attention to this thread but for anyone so interested -

I've revamped the homepage. It's a lot cleaner now.

As part of the revamp the homepage now lists (if I remember to add things) recent changes or new content recently added to

The latest is something someone sent me a few years back - an online gallery of Myth II scenery and models for the standard Bungie maps and for the Chimera maps. Useful only for people making maps, but still kind of neat I say. I didn't make this, I didn't even reformat anything I am republishing it as it was delivered to me.

Big Blue Frog Myth III Scenery and Model Galleries

Feedback is always appreciated. Tell me what works and what doesn't. What you like and what you don't (and why so I can figure out if I should fix it or if you are just being a cranky bahstad).

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Postby SgtRogers » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:51 am

Cool website VR. I was reading some of the sections and the 'About VR' section made me laugh. Not only do you write the entire passage in third-person but at the end you essentially argue with yourself about your "geekness." Then the byline at the end says "-vr."

I thought that pretty sufficiently showed your geek qualities. You may now confidently put the arguement to rest. :lol: =D>
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Postby vinylrake » Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:40 pm

SgtRogers Wrote:Cool website VR. I was reading some of the sections and the 'About VR' section made me laugh. Not only do you write the entire passage in third-person but at the end you essentially argue with yourself about your "geekness." Then the byline at the end says "-vr."

I thought that pretty sufficiently showed your geek qualities. You may now confidently put the arguement to rest. :lol: =D>

Um.... that er, wasn't "me", that was some other guy who works on the website. Yeah, it was um my uh evil geeky twin. That's my story and I am sticking with it.

ps. Is it just me or is there an undefinable similarity between the front page of and the myth addict site ? If there is, it's unintentional, while I like their design a lot the design of the front page is 90% a canned template from the content management system I am using.

ps. thanks for the reply. vr was feeling neglected.

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Postby sillek » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:51 pm

I do like the change. It does look like...well, not really MythAddict...but it looks like a blog. So...looks like a blog, but because it's a fresh look, it's looks good.

EDIT: Re-read your post. Yeah, your setup/system/whatever you called it is WordPress p;
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Postby vinylrake » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:03 am

sillek Wrote:I do like the change. It does look like...well, not really MythAddict...but it looks like a blog. So...looks like a blog, but because it's a fresh look, it's looks good.

Well, technically the front page of could be considered a bit of a "site news blog" - I wanted a way of posting news about updates to the site so that's why I used WordPress instead of re-inventing software that already existed. Glad the layout looks better. I think it's a lot cleaner and crisper. Now the other parts of need a similar cleaning up - the last change I made got them maybe 80% of the way but they are still a bit "sloppy" for my liking.

sillek Wrote:EDIT: Re-read your post. Yeah, your setup/system/whatever you called it is WordPress p;

I hadn't noticed what the mythaddict site was using, but the look and feel was really similar without being a direct copy/imitation - and to see so much similarity "out of the box" I thought they might be using WP. I've always liked the mythaddict site for it's clean uncluttered design. Easy to find things, no convuluted pages within pages confusion,etc.

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